....Changes.... (May 9, 2008)
Current mood:
Tonight, I sit here, and feel so down. The end of the school year is drawing closer and I find myself unprepared for the changes it will bring. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled and extremely lucky to be moving on to this new family. The children are so sweet and their parents are funny and nice. Yet, I find my heart feels heavy. I have already begun to miss the situation I have now... I have never been very good with change. My employer (but more importantly, my friend) says not much will be different. I will still be over there some days. So, why do I not believe that things will not change?? Because, so many times, life has sent me down a path that my friends are not on. And, consequently, our friendship begins to fade away until it is just a bittersweet memory in the corner of my mind. I'm not ready for this to happen again. I suppose all I can really do is hope that these people care for and love me as much as I do them... my life goals (April 28, 2008)
Current mood:
Well, the other day, Francis and I were chatting about what we would like to do before we die. (I suppose we had run out of otherwise intelligent conversation!) So, we went back and forth and listed every goal no matter how small or big it was. I thought it was an interesting list on my end so, because I am bored and in a great mood, I decided to share it:1) Have children.
2) Visit Australia.
3) Own a Subaru. (As of today, I own a green subaru legacy: 4/28/08)
4) Make a difference in someone's life.
5) Become a foster parent.
6) Own a cocker spaniel.
7) Learn a foreign language... and remember it well!
8) Write a children's book.
9) Win a contest of any kind! lol!
10) Travel to a variety of foreign countries. (Been to: Germany)
11) Meet Teri Hatcher.
12) Be on T.V.
13) Be a bridesmaid.
14) hold a monkey.
15) Own a sugarglider.
*There are more goals then these but I didn't put them down because these are my top 15**
(So, I was actually able to complete another one of these.. I was a bridesmaid in one of my dearest friends wedding in the summer of 2009)
WE"RE MOVING!!! (Oct. 17, 2007)
Current mood:
So, I know I don't blog much but, hey, what can I say? My life is pretty calm and predictable. lol! But, seriously, this time I actually have GREAT news.... We are moving at the beginning of November!!! Hurray!!! And this time, it is a permanent move. It's our very own house!! (can you tell that I am ecstatic?!) It's a 4 bedroom, two story house with a garage. It has a huge yard and it's on the water. Also, it's right across the street from the playground/town playing field/ice rink. I am so looking forward to being in a place of my own. Especially celebrating the holidays there. No more rent or landlords or having to be quiet because the neighbors might get angry... WoooHooo! lol... well, that is all for now. When I have an official new address and phone number, I will post a bulletin to everyone. Take care!!What makes my job so rewarding... (June 7, 2007)
Current mood:
First off, let me state that I really adore my job and I would not trade it for any other in the world. Unfortunately though, there are days that I want to pull my hair out. Especially as the end of the school year draws near. On occasion I have an experience that reminds me exactly why I do what I do and today was one of those days...One of my school agers walked in with a gift bag which she handed to me. When I opened it, she had given me one of her stuffed animals. (A white gorilla to be exact. Because she knew I loved monkeys.) In it's arms was a card. I opened it and this is what it said... " Dear Teri, Thank you so much! I had the best time in my life this year! I had a happy time with you as a babysitter. I never met a babysitter that can make everything so fun. I hope I see you next year. I might get dropped off at home but, If I get lonely I will walked over to say, "HI" and play with S-----, K----. (Oh, yeah and with you too!) Hope you have a great time with the baby next year! I wanted to give you this monkey because I knew you like monkies! I will miss you so much! From, C------ H------."
I stood there in the kitchen and cried a bit. How wonderful and fufilling it is to be given such a thoughtful gift. And what an amazing girl she is to have done this all by herself! Today was what made all the stress of the past 9 months make sense. A reminder, if you will, of why I adore children so much and spend so much time with them. Because there truly is no greater reward then having a child whisper "I love you" as they walk by. Or the way they snuggle in your arms when they are tired, scared, or hurt. Or their blind trust that you can fix any situation and make it better... I work with children for their honesty and beautiful innocence and the ability to see the world with such wonder and excitement. A gift that many adults no longer possess. A gift that I refuse to relinquish. Because I believe that the world would be so much better if everyone could still see the world through a child's eyes.